If you want to learn Danish - now or at a later date - please read this information carefully.

If you are a foreign citizen, at least 18 years old and live in Denmark, you have the opportunity to sign up for free Danish language lessons (contact info below).


NOTE: There is a limitation to when the free offer ends. You will recieve a letter with the free offer - if you do not do anything, the offer automatically starts two months after you entered Denmark. 

  • Whom to contact at the jobcenter (to sign up)

    Anja Thomsen 

    Jobcenter Vejle  

    Havneparken 16C

    7100 Vejle 

    phone: (+45) 21 66 79 97

    mail: integration@vejle.dk  


  • Contact information of the language school

    Sprogcenter Vejle  (Language Center Vejle)

    Damhaven 13A

    7100 Vejle

    phone: (+45) 76 81 38 00

    mail: sprogcentret@vejle.dk

    See more at the homepage.

  • Are you a foreign citizen and living in Denmark?

    To sign up for Danish language lessons, please bring the following documents to Jobcenter Vejle:

    • CPR number (the yellow card)
    • Permission to stay in Denmark (EU residence document from the State Administration)
  • Are you a cross-border commuter working in Vejle Municipality?

    To sign up for Danish language lessons, please bring the following documents to Jobcenter Vejle

    • CPR number (the yellow card)
    • Employment contract from employer in Vejle Municipality
  • Language classes

    Sprogcenter Vejle (Language Center Vejle) offers a range of both day and evening classes with startup within three weeks. Contact the school for more information about your options.

Louise Nielsen Bosætningsguide Newcomer Service
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